Glacier Park PTSA is on ParentSquare!
To stay up to date on all the latest news from the PTSA, you’ll need to click here to join the ParentSquare Group.
Upcoming Events
Did someone say Chipotle?? This month's restaurant fundraiser is from 4-8pm.
The National PTA Reflections program is accepting submissions for this year's theme "Accepting Imperfection". Click here to learn more!
Let's see your polar bear spirit! Wear your GPES gear or blue/grey/white on Tuesdays.
'Tis the season to spread some cheer! The PTSA wants to celebrate our teachers and staff with a holiday dessert potluck on Wednesday, Decemb...
We hope you enjoy your break! See you back at school on Monday, January 6, 2025.
Looking for more information about Tahoma's Food Services, including meal prices and how to pay your balance? Click here to view the district's site.
Monthly menus for all schools are available on the My School Menus website.
support our teachers! many have a classroom wishlist that you can contribute from
come connect with us on facebook and stay up to date on all PTSA activities
we need you! Parkers Pal's are adult volunteers that make a difference to the kids and community on their schedule!
Start Time: 8:40am
Dismissal Time: 3:10pm
Friday Early Release: 1:40pm
Phone: 425-413-3700 Email: (for attendance and main inquiries)
Copyright © 2018 Glacier Park Elementary PTSA - All Rights Reserved.